Project Number
ERASMUS+ KA226 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
01/03/2021 - 28/02/2023
Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Si Pielarie, Romania (Coordinator)
Agrupació d’Empreses Innovadores Textils (AEI TEXTILS), Spain
Creative Thinking Development - CRETHIDEV, Greece
CIAPE - Italian Center for Lifelong Learning, Italy
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
University of West Attica (UNIWA), Greece
Technical University of IASI (TUIASI), Romania
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Textile digitalization based on digital education and innovative e-Tools
DigiTEX project aims to support innovative approaches and digital learning technologies to accelerate innovation, teaching and learning in the field of medical, protective, sensorial and smart 3D textiles design, testing and manufacturing of the innovative advanced products for healthcare (protective equipment, wearable monitoring devices) in the context of the digital economy.
The DigiTEX project is bringing to application innovative and creative ideas and new methodologies in the field of training of HEI learners such as the co-design and co-development of new ideas of medical, protective, sensorial and smart textile product, multifunctional products or innovate the product through creative methods by using creative method toolkit, database of smart sensorial textiles and virtual tools for interactive training/learning integrated into eLearning platform. These tools combined with the course materials will be used for scientific researches and by implementing innovations in the field of medical, protective and smart textiles.
DigiTEX project will develop tools necessary for skills enhancement, an active relationship with research and innovation to achieve the project objective concerning medical, protective, smart, sensorial textiles development using 3D prototyping.