Project Number
ERASMUS + KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
01/12/2020 - 30/11/2022
Wittenborg University, Netherlands (Coordinator)
Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, (IUL), Portugal
Universidad De Sevilla, (USE), Spain
Virtual Campus LDA, (VC), Portugal
Creative Thinking Development, (CRETHIDEV), Greece
Fundacja "Malopolska Izba Samorzadowa", (MIS Foundation), Poland
Unione Territoriale Sindacale CISL Vic, (CISL), Italy
Mindfulness-in-Nature Based Training through Virtual Environments
The MindLiven project aims to provide an innovative solution to the problem of work-related stress faced by an increased number of employees and managers in SMEs.
The approach of this project is to mitigate the negative consequences of stress in the workplace using mindfulness in nature-based practices that combine the positive effects of mindfulness in terms of social learning and the positive emotions and stress recovery results from exposure to a natural environment. To achieve this, a set of digital contents on an online platform will be developed with communication tools and additional resources, such as an Android and IOS app, to facilitate access to the platform and the transfer of learning into the workplace, while also building a user community. Â Â
This e-environment will raise the awareness of the project and it will enable business owners, managers and decisionmakers to plan for the mitigation of the negative consequences of work-based stress. Â
The project targets:Â
Employees and owners/managers of SMEs as end users and main beneficiaries. They will be empowered and helped to improve their personal and professional life by being able to prevent and address workplace stress.
VET trainers, HR and Health & Safety consultants will be provided innovative tools for assessing the situation with their trainees and clients.
Professional associations to encourage the adoption/implementation of policies and practices to support awareness raising.
Organizational health decision makers and governmental entities at regional, national and European levels to make them aware of the need for more immediate actions.Â