Project Number
ERASMUS+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Centro Tecnologico Das Industrias Do Couro-CTIC, Portugal
Universidad De Lleida-UDL, Spain
C.G.S. Di Coluccia Michele & C. S.A.S.-CGS, Italy
Ege University-EGE, Turkey
Virtual Campus Lda-VC, Portugal
Creative Thinking Development-CRETHIDEV, Greece
Siec Badawcza Lukasiewicz - Instytut Przemyslu Skorzanego-IPS, Poland
D. Arvanitopoulos & Sons S.A-DARVI, Greece
Detek-DETEK, Turkey
For more information visit: https://suleap.eu/

Developing Skills towards a Sustainable Leather Production
The SULEAP project will address the lack of knowledge on sustainability implementation in the leather industry, will raise the awareness of the direct beneficiaries and target groups about the benefits of sustainability in the leather production and will support the transformation of the leather industry into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive industry.