Project Number
Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education-Strand 2
IHU - Internakonal Hellenic University (Diethnes Panepistimio Ellados), Greece, Coordinator
TUD - Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
TUIASI - Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi Din Iasi, Romania
KNUTD - Kyiv National University Of Technologies And Design, Ukraine
KHNU - Khmelnitsky National University, Ukraine
LNTU - Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine
FGU- National Partnership In Fashion And Sewing Industry Fashion Globus Ukraine, Ukraine
CRETHIDEV - Dimiourgiki Skepsi Anaptyxis, Greece
3D Concepts For Fashion Education In Ukraine
The project 3D4U addresses the lack of skilled talent in 3D Concepts for fashion education in Ukraine by the establishment of 3 hubs in 3D concepts, in the 3 Ukrainian HEIs and envisions to achieve the following impact:
1. Development of highly knowledgeable and skilled human resources in 3D Concepts in Ukraine.
2. Promotion of knowledge generation in 3D Concepts through basic and applied research.
3. Development of 3D Concepts based design of diverse fashion products, based on textile and leather.
4. Promotion of competencies, capacity building, and training to nurture innovation and start-ups and aspiring entrepreneurs in 3D concepts.
5. Internationalization and modernization of Ukraine HEIs by connecting them with global efforts in modern fashion education