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Project Number



Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth




1 Association For Democratic Initiatives, North Macedonia - Coordinator

2 Kolegji Universum O.P, Kosovo * Un Resolution

3 Instituti I Kultures Rome Ne Shqiperi, Albania 

4 Creative Thinking Development, Greece


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Enhancing critical thinking and media literacy skills of young people in the Balkans through digital learning based on intercultural tolerance

The project EnCritMedYB aims to enhance critical thinking and media literacy skills of young people in the Balkans, through a process of mutual digital learning and discussions, based on acceptance of differences and promoting intercultural tolerance.

To achieve this, the project envisions co-creation of educational materials on media literacy, critical thinking and intercultural dialogue, for non-formal online education, of relevance to the regional context and country realities and to disseminate them broadly to youth workers, youth and other CSOs in the target countries N.Macedonia, Albania, Greece and Kosovo.

In addition, the project envisions organisation and delivery of total of 30 regional digital events involving youth from the target countries, where the developed educational materials will be used, thereby enhancing the critical thinking and media literacy skills of young people through a process of mutual digital learning and debate based on acceptance of differences and promoting intercultural tolerance.

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